Very useful, but rough in places – Web Reader - Text to Speech Review

Pros: + Very nice voice + Can start reading in the middle of a web page + You can get to the page and have it start reading by accessing a bookmark (you create) in Safari. Read the info on how to. Cons: - Doesn't always deal with re-orenting the screen correctly (displays landscape height in portrait mode) - is too aggressive about starting to speak.... speaks when unplugging iPhone from car radio, speaks if you have it open, then pause and turn off, then on the iPhone, etc. - some words it has trouble with, and mixed english / spanish docs it does not handle the spanish well. - highlighting the currently being spoken text sometimes is not exactly right - had trouble speaking 1 frame of a web site My use: iPhone 4S, iOS v5 and v6. v6 was better, web pages only (I didn't try dropbox, etc.) Well worth it for my use, though still rough around the edges,
Review by bruce in calif on Web Reader - Text to Speech.

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