Word Play Shuffle – WORDPLAY™ Free Review

After having experienced a traumatic brain injury I found myself unable to dial a phone, walk without stumbling and remember much that happened 5 minutes ago. Word games - Scrabble and crossword puzzles as well as math games really help to stimulate the brain and build new neural pathways. Having seen Word Play reviewed in one of the "Five Million Apps You Can't Live Without" magazines I purchased it and I'm glad I did! Depending on the level of difficulty you chose to play the games can be challenging, fast and fun. One of my favorite features is the background music. Soothing. It helps me focus and almost instantly places me in what I refer to as a more "mindful" state. I find myself playing games at intervals during the day and it recharges me. Word Play lives up to its name while basking in the simplicity of challenging us to think, draw upon our ability to be creative and fire up the "Webster" in all of us. Bon App!
Review by Kelley Rock on WORDPLAY™ Free.

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