Resident Evil (PS1) + Final Fantasy? – Night Whisper Lane Free Review

First off, I'll say that I enjoyed this free version enough to buy the full. If you beat this or buy the full version you will be forced to restart, however. The game is basically a mishmash of Resident Evil on the PS1 (okay graphics, terribly cheesy dialog, voice acting and story that's either "so bad it's good" or done intentionally to seem "SBiG") and a simple turn based battle system. You wander the house finding wads of cash, keys and such. The normal tapping everywhere strategy isn't always prudent since almost everything is booby trapped. Snakes are in toilets, garage doors want to kill you and a desk will have a bomb underneath big enough to kill you be not hurt the desk or room. Eventually (actually three times in the demo) you find Sophia. She some kind of demon lady who wants souls and to do so she hides a key on the rug on the porch in the hopes someone dumb enough will find it and enter the house where they'll be trapped to die by booby traps or by her boo- erm, hands. Why does she need souls? Why such a convoluted plan? Who knows, but you and plenty of others are just stupid enough to fall for her scheme so now you've gotta escape. In fights with her you take turn attacking until one loses. I don't know what happens if you run out of weapons. You kinda need to not think too hard about the story (the game never says her plan is "key under rug + wait for stupid people + kill them = souls" but that's how it plays out. It's entertaining enough to sell me on the full version, mostly just to see where Scenario 1 ends up. Hopefully some of the issues in this free version are fixed in the full since free versions are almost always early demo builds.
Review by Naterkix on Night Whisper Lane Free.

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Pretty good
