Online Subscription Troubles – Newsday Review

Three times I subscribed to Newsday digital services, the count is not over a lifetime, years or several months. The 3 attempts were actual agreements I accepted to pay within a few months. It was more times I tried logging in after creating passwords that were saved. It seems like Newsday soon reject my subscriptions and state they have no record of my accounts. The Long Island newspaper was a part of my life growing up and residing in Suffolk County. They have an excellent staff with talented reporters, photographers, and writers. Newsday investigated and produced prize-winning reports, series, articles, and videos. The establishment won major, editorial awards. Nonetheless, I am much discouraged by the experience as a subscriber. Many thousands people might be having a great time with Newsday. But, I had enough; the only task for me is to make sure they don’t charge my credit card.
Review by Cjinspector on Newsday.

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