Camera controls – Samurai Jack Review

The camera controls arent jist bad, theyre absolutely BROKEN. I cant finish this game, let alone go for the chests. In the thrid level near the beginnimg there are two chests, one you chop a tree to get to and then you jump pver a gap to get to the other one... easy stuff... except once you go over the gap the camera swings behind the character completely destroying the path I was taking and cauaing me to fall. It is NOT POSSIBLE and Its because the camera is simply BUGGED. In combat the camera will bug out and fling all over the place, which makes combos nearly impossible and I take a ton of damage. Im struggling to play this even on easy because of how broken the camera is. If I could actually SEE what youbwere doing, the game would be great. It plays like a game on the gamecube or ps2 would play. Its feels so nostalgic and honestly fun, I just wish I could see what I was doing...
Review by IAMWAM on Samurai Jack.

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