Genuinely Impressed – iLightShow for Philips Hue Review

I’ve tried a LOT of apps for hue. This one rules them all on music syncing. There are a few features here and there you wish you had you’ll find along the way, but many of them are limitations of hue itself. The best results after many hours, days, and settings have been to only use lights in a single visual plane. If you use lights all over it may look sporadically unreliable because some of the complex beat matching it does will bounce around behind you where you aren’t looking. Makes it appear like it “tried” where the impact is fully apparent if everything is kept visible like on a dedicated music wall (this is a limitation of PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY....not the app or hue). My personal preference is to set the intensity around 25-35% and it seems to be dynamic enough without the overwhelming nature of higher settings (the strobing and white flash placement is what I set it JUST UNDER the level of). The strobing is in good spots, just a little muddy and timed to the music, but not synced in terms of beat count for the speedy spot it wanted to strobe on. The white flashes are in the right WINDOW to do it....just kinda unevenly placed in that window where the first one is where you’d expect and following ones feel kind of random). THESE ARE THE MINOR COMPLAINTS I JUST RESOLVED BY PLAYING WITH SETTINGS. THE APP IS STILL AMAZINGLY WELL DONE AND SUPPORTED. I use the TestFlight version and have been surprised at the consistent updates and notable improvements even within the last few months. Don’t see it disappearing from my party prep anytime soon. Also, tied for the MOST SURPRISING THING aside from the syncing is that the app DOES NOT add a huge battery drain on your phone. Extremely efficient AND effective. Glorious. To the developer: if you could get hired at hue, you could RUN THE JOINT in a year if they have half a brain collected among them. They and 100 other people have tried to do what this app does automatically just by opening and going about your business (once configured to liking of course). Huge fan. Keep that you know what up!
Review by Fr33 ch1ps on iLightShow for Philips Hue.

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