Not great but promising – Revenge of the Rob-O-Bot Review

Given the gold standard used to be Gameprom, this holds up quite well to that - visuals are well done, seems to be some decent depth, nice selection of shots. However, it's definitely lacking compared to the current gold standard, Pinball Arcade. The physics here, while decent, aren't as good as PA's. flipper behavior seems a bit finicky, if you're trying to hit a ball multiple times in rapid succession. But the thing I hate on this is the camera - there's one option, show part of the screen and follow the ball. Give me a full-pin, multiple viewpoint, and I'll add a star instantly.. Get the physics up to Pro Pinball (coming in the spring) or PA, and I'll add another.
Review by mbourgon on Revenge of the Rob-O-Bot.

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