Fun but slow and buggy – Seabeard Review

Thank you so much for making this game and for still updating it. I have been playing it for years now and I love it. However, I was really hoping the latest update would fix the issue of picking things up from behind bushes before you see them. I sometimes pick up strawberries by accident because I am tapping on a bush in search of coins, but it picks up a berry I didn’t see (or need) and now it’s taking up inventory. Also, if there is a coin hidden behind the same bush that something else is hidden behind, say a worm for example, please make it so I can pick up the coin first and THEN pick up the worm, because it’s just unnecessary inventory being taken up again. This game would have so much more buzz if you lowered prices for items in the game (I’m talking coins and pearls) and/or if you raised the value of items we sell. Right now, it is extremely slow to progress in the game, and it’s just not fair. I want to help you guys because I love this game, but no one else will play it because they don’t have the patience for it or the real world money either. It can sometimes feel like this game just wants to take your money, and doesn’t care if you actually succeed at completing any of the quests. I have been playing for years and I still don’t even have a sword or all the stones taken off my island. Please listen to your audience. This game has a lot of potential, but if you don’t listen to what we want, it can never get better. Lastly, why is there always an Easter themed shop at Larona village? You could easily do seasonal updates to change that to something more fitting, depending on the holiday. I get major Thanksgiving pilgrim vibes from this game’s aesthetic, so I’m surprised you haven’t taken advantage of that. Don’t give up on this game. Keep making it better, and it can eventually have a really wide following like Animal Crossing.
Review by Bee1945621 on Seabeard.

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