Needs updating and developer attention – Songtree - Music Maker Review

BEWARE!!! True this app is “free” but you pay big time in wasted time and upload failures trying to use the app that’s plagued with network errors. The concept is get unlimited uploads and can collaborate with musicians around the world, but the app is tedious and painful to use. It hasn’t been updated in over a year and the last update did virtually new requested features...just “bug fixes” that didn’t appear to fix any bugs. Once you follow enough members and get a decent amount of followers your inbox will quickly be littered with notifications about the chronic reposting of songs and there is no way to stop’ll get hundreds of notifications about so and so reposting this and so and so reposting’s very annoying and hard to sift through. Moreover, certain members have mental problems and will appear normal in their public comments but in personal messages are delusional and psychotic and to top it off the developers are “hands off” meaning they will not interfere or enforce the rules the claim to have, so you are literally at the mercy of these insane members...publicly and privately. The developers started a Facebook group to get ideas and listen to the members which completely failed. They invited the crazy members into the group and it got out of hand with madness and anger. Nothing came out of the group except broken promises and ignored feature requests. Give this app a try if you have a lot of time to spare and to be quite honest most of the members are very supportive and friendly...I have made quite a few meaningful friendships from collaborating...musically it’s very inspiring, but the app itself needs a lot of updating to be competitive with other similar apps.
Review by Fretless33 on Songtree - Music Maker.

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