Greedy game – Brutal Age: Horde Invasion Review

This game was one if the best I use to play. But in the pass few weeks/month the developers started adding useless updates and events just to drag money from players. Spending is optional but came to the point that the spending money is required for you to be able to be successful in the game or win. The developers change the hours in the most important event that this game has, Server war, after 4+ years they change the schedule of the battles making it very inconvenient to the players, to make it even worst the inly way to win in this event is by occupying the temple the longest. No point to use any other strategy than spending huge amounts of $$$. The game is full of glitches and unfinished updates, while bringing only events that need to be pay in order to win a total waist of my money and my time.
Review by Buya90 on Brutal Age: Horde Invasion.

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