Pop-Up after Pop-Up after Pop-Up – Jigsaw Puzzle Review

I have always loved this game, and the puzzle packages are fantastic. They keep adding new packages daily. The gameplay and UI used to be wonderful. However, now there are pop-ups practically every time you click a button. If you hit the back button, bam, a pop-up. And sometimes there are 4 clicks in a row required to get out of their maze of garbage and back to interacting with the game. And this happens EVEN AFTER YOU LOG IN. So logging into an account gets you zero relief. So rather than relaxing when you open the game to escape your world for a bit and enjoy one of their beautiful puzzles, you have to be constantly mindful of every screen touch so you don’t make a mistake and end up diverted into their garbage. I reached out to them about it and was told if I log in, the ads go away. Turns out there is no end to the pop-ups even when logging in. I’m tremendously disappointed and I’ve bought tons of puzzle packs and hate to move on to another vendor. So be warned before you buy; you should limit your pack purchases until after you’ve experienced this new world of constant pop-ups. Make sure it’s right for you.
Review by Texas Steelers Fan on Jigsaw Puzzle.

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