Fun, but... – TSM Game Review

I love this game, me and my sister always play but... first of all, when completing events especially the baby quests or events, it takes 15 different events and you expect us to finish it in a day? The sims or players lose a lot of energy for some reason and they take forever to charge unless you wait an entire day or night... Lastly, why? I like how you can have people as friends but when I friended my sister who COMPLETELY ONLINE the game said she was not playing at all...Me and my sister tried to problem solve by going to the same party at the same time and by different times but instead, it showed everyone else but my sister for some reason, I even tried leaving game and coming back which DID NOT WORK! If you want to play this game, make sure you have a lot of sim cash so you can complete the events which are for some reason 3 hours, also, why is it that when I do something that should boost my XP to finish the quest like it only loses by 1... If your going to play this game, make sure your a single child, you don’t want friends, or you like being single player in game...
Review by Dechi polmo Dowatsang on TSM Game.

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