Design Home is BETTER – Design Home™: House Makeover Review

First off it’s really hard to get ahead in this game without laying out serious cash. You have to pay to unlock any new items and then you have to pay individually to use the items you just paid to unlock and when you pay to unlock items in a category it only unlocks SOME of them and generally not the ones you hoped for. They are generous with the cash but that only buys the basic least attractive things. If you want the better things you have to use gold. It goes fast. You have to have coins to unlock new items and unless you want it to take forever to get the coins to unlock items you’ll have to buy them. The first two season passes were fairly generous but the third was not so much and yes you have to buy that as well. There are only prizes for the winning design. No second or third place consolations. Maybe they could add a way to convert cash to gold or coins. A back button would be nice so I dont constantly have to scroll back and forth to try new items in a design. Honestly sometimes I get so tired of scrolling I just give up. Second and third place prizes might help a little. Although I’m usually dead middle or dead last every now and then I come in second and it would be nice to win SOMETHING since I’ve usually paid money in order to get a better design. When you pay to unlock items in a category maybe one or two free uses of each unlocked item would make it a little more worthwhile. Often I unlock new items only to discover it included items I already had and it’s never the one I hoped for. It’s just random. I feel like any design I try to come up with I only have limited items available to me. Often I don’t have the items required for a design unlocked and can’t enter that challenge at all. It just feels like the developers are greedy and instead of finding ways to make the game more enjoyable they look for ways to make more money. I get it but a little more balance would be nice. Feeling like it’s greedy makes me NOT want to spen any money at all. I get annoyed whenever I play this game and ask myself every time why I don’t delete it. I just keep hoping for better. Please don’t message me and ask me for suggestions. They are included in the review
Review by ViGi Law on Design Home™: House Makeover.

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