Where’s the negative star rating? – FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV Review

As a longtime fan, I’m disappointed. The game is decent enough if taken for what it is. But everything else is disappointing, and you should play prepared to leave with a foul taste in your mouth about the company and its practices. They will attempt to get cash from you in every way imaginable. Update: It’s a little better if you are willing to spend the time still costs a lot. However, for a game that is such a cash sucking game the developer(s) (I think maybe there is more than one?) sure do take a long time to fix glitches/bugs/or address problems. They took a good couple of months to address a graphics error that made users have to rescroll every time they bought something. Currently, the game freezes and crashes pretty consistently to the point many people just give up trying to get in and do anything.
Review by Morgan JC on FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV.


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