Too confusing with the dances!!!!!!! – Sweet Dance Review

I was finished with the first practice test with the popping bubbles, then I couldn’t figure out how the next one worked. But when I did I found out I had to quickly press over 5 arrows and a different button within 10 seconds, and it is supposed to get even harder from then and that was just the first level. Another thing is that no one wants you to join their crew, people chat non-stop and there is no way to hide it, all the clothes are expensive. The graphics are amazing but the stuff that makes that experience even better just doesn’t support it, you could do so much more with this technology but you choose to make kids struggle and stress because they can’t pass a level, I know this because this is how everyone is from 5 year olds to however old you are when you stop playing video games. You are bound to get angry some time, but until I want to give this app another chance I will ether let it sit in my library or temporarily delete it. I really want to enjoy the game but the challenges make it almost impossible to enjoy with excitement or just being calm. I don’t know if this makes any sense or if you even read it all, but make sure that they improve the levels. (It’s like a metronome in music, you start off really slow and increases as you get better)
Review by ...Allie...Evelyn... on Sweet Dance.

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