Free to Play...syke, Gacha! – FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV Review

Ignore the people saying it’s about saving and you get plenty of free visiore. You get 500 free (most days) but a new unit is released every ~2 weeks. Keeping in mind that some units actually cost double the visiore as regular units, and some are limited time. You can play the game for free, just like you can play basketball a the Y, doesn’t mean the NBA is going to scout you. If you want good units, you’ll need at least 100k visiore to have a shot at getting them. Dropped 46k each on two recent releases and not a single unit landed. Keep in mind of course you can buy visiore! Oh but wait, it’s $100 for 46k x 2...for the low low price of $3,600 you too can have a shot at not getting a unit! Save your time and money. The game has no replay value and is the equivalent of a casino game. The “daily” activities take about 10 minutes to complete; maybe you grind a raid for an hour or two but most people will kick you if you don’t have that perfect new release unit so don’t hold out much hope there. Plenty of other games with gacha systems where you actually have a shot at getting something worthwhile. It sounds good from a nostalgia standpoint of people who enjoyed FFT but this is not even close to that. All in all, this ones another hard pass from a company that offers the amazing rate of a 0.8% chance to summon a unit ... but don’t forget to factor in the 51% chance that it will be a vision card and not even a unit which makes your odds drastically lower.
Review by HalcyonUSA on FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV.


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