Treat Customers Like Trash – My Boost Review

Once you use up the “bucket” of “high speed” data they cut you down to 2G. Which is like dial-up speeds. Can’t check email or do simple Google searches. I luckily have a second line and my Boost phone stays at home while I use an older device for actually reliable service. I switched to Boost for a nice, expensive iPhone on a discount but Boost’s lack of anything resembling “service” has basically caused me to purchase an expensive paper weight. In hindsight, I wish I would have paid the additional $100 to stick with my old service and not screw myself over by choosing Boost Mobile. Avoid these guys at all costs! No company should be so criminal as to advertise unlimited service then slam you with dial-up internet. Like their “high speed” internet was ever anything other than 3G in and of itself. These guys are a joke and their “service” is total trash. I can’t wait to switch back to my original provider.
Review by Seiphirius on My Boost.

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