Still needs work..... – Simple Zazen Timer - Zen Meditation Review

Thanks for fixing the problem with not being able to use when silent mode. A great improvement.... HOWEVER— please work on the following: 1) options to adjust the interval setting. This should include intervals set by time (e.g., every 2, 5, 10 minutes) and greater number of equal intervals (for long meditation sessions — limiting it to four is not practical or desirable) 2) remove the “bong” sound that emits whenever the buttons are pressed - they’re annoying. A simple “click” or even complete silence would be preferable, given this app is ostensibly for purposes of meditation. 4) the sound used when “stop” is pressed (as an interruption or pause in one’s meditation) should not be the same as the loud gong sound signaling the end of the timed session. 5) a final refinement (subtle, but makes a difference) there should be about a two to three second delay between pressing the start button and the gong sound going off. This allows the user to disengage from their phone for a few seconds and assume whatever posture they are using while meditating, and more closely resembles the experience when meditating in a group and someone else sounds the meditation gong/bowl/chime Only then could I in good faith add a few more stars to my evaluation. So, for now, 1-1/2 stars is it. Previous post as follows: The only reason I still use this app is because I paid for it. The developers either don’t meditate themselves, or just didn’t think this one through. Who would design a meditation timer that does not work if you have your phone on silent?????! If I use this, I will be beeped, belled and bonged continually. Another oversight is the manner in which intervals can be set to sound during the meditation period. You can only determine the number of intervals, not their duration. This rather defeats the purpose. Finally, there is no choice for sounds used for start/end of meditation and intervals. Conclusion: keep looking, this one’s not fully cooked.....
Review by QualityInsister on Simple Zazen Timer - Zen Meditation.

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