Money hungry – My Story: Choose Your Own Path Review

I have been enjoying this game for over a year now. I absolutely love playing it. But one of the things I don’t appreciate (and I wonder if anyone else has caught on) when you don't have enough diamonds or let's be in your bank account to be buying outfits for you character, the other characters always make rude remarks about how horrible your characters outfit looks. Oh I'm sorry I don't have enough luxury money to drop $5-$10 or even $100 on diamond packs every week just to support your application. I get it you guys need to make your money, but don't use the other characters to degrade our personal character. Lame tactic to get us to spend our money. And why do our characters need to obsessively change outfit every single scene? These characters change outfits more than a primadona princess. Also, why are the outfits and dialog choices so expensive? If it was occasionally, I wouldn't mind. But even when buying the diamond packs your paying $10-$60 for diamonds that only get you 3 choices on the game than you need to buy more on top of the fact that you also need to buy tickets and if you don't buy the tickets you need to wait 5 minutes to an hour for the game to let you continue playing. The choices are so expensive (at least $25 for one choice) that your diamonds get sucked up so fast so you will need to spend more money to get more diamonds for choices. If there wasn't so much pressure into spending money on this game, I would probably actually buy diamonds to support this app and rate it a 5 star. I really do enjoy this game, but after a while the pressure gets old.
Review by snowballs3 on My Story: Choose Your Own Path.

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Too expensive

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decent game
