The game needs to slow down with the pricy updates – Rise of the Kings Review

I like this game and have spent a lot to develop my castle and my kingdom. But recently too many updates that cost 2-3K each to max. This put a lot of burden on me even if I am considered one of the mega spenders. I strongly advice the ROK team to slow down with their upgrades and take care of smaller players because if they quit we will no longer find someone to fight and most kingdoms will go to oblivion. As a quick fix 1. You need to merge the kingdoms which didn’t make it to the top 128 tournament, no need to wait. 2. Release not expensive, easy to get upgrades that can help small players to defend their castles (castles attack is not a challenge anymore). 3. Slow down on dragons and other strategic heroes because the gap is huge between spenders and non spenders already and no need to add more to it. 4. Add more free events that could bridge some of the gaps between mega, medium and non spenders. I hope ROK team will respond to players demands before everyone quits.
Review by ROK_Player on Rise of the Kings.

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