Farmville for just meta PVP (pure powercreep) – FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV Review

This game will consume so much of your life/time/money for little satisfaction in return. Unlike FFBE, you won’t be able to enjoy your unit roster to fight bosses and earn great rewards. Their raid system is just terrible even with the late QoL updates they have been releasing to global while JP has them applied months ahead of GL. Just like every other gacha game they have UR units but on top of that they have Premium Units which are basically pay to win to guarantee you wont lose to free to play, which also costs DOUBLE the cost on top of the really low rates of UR units. Multiplayer feature is just plain toxic and have no control over team killing people on purpose or other griefing tactics on top of 3rd party bot users which aren’t banned from the game. Also players have resorted to only following viable units for multiplayer farming making it so disappointing for the rest of the player base to take part in. Future maps & battles are designed to compliment unit banners to bait players into pulling but becomes useless again because of this endless cycle until they become viable for the map. AI is really stupid even after the QoL changes and designed to influence the current meta & compliment the new units as well.
Review by LordKebo on FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV.


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