Um, this game is weird... – Gachaverse: Anime Dress Up RPG Review

Look, I love gachaverse, but I have a few complaints. First, Vii is so annoying. She basically does nothing. She’s just a copy of Ellie, who is at least SOMEWHAT BETTER. Vii also sounds stupid. She’s like, “I’m Vii! And your the gacha summoner!” In a annoying voice. Second, this game is a total ripoff of gacha world. Same plot. It starts with the gacha summoner having terrible luck, like always. Then he gets teleported to a special place where he meets Vii or Ellie. Then the adventure begins. How original. I bet that when gacha club comes out, there’s going to be another annoying fairy and a gacha summoner or whatever. Third, the designing. There’s already gacha life to design characters! What’s the point?! Also, there is less options. Like 14 pages instead of 22. And less faces and clothes. It’s kind of annoying. Last thing, Gacha heat. (Aka gacha $ex) I’ve seen people say that they have a boyfriend or a girlfriend on gacha. This game is just as bad as gacha life, but at least gacha life is more fun. Overall, this game has its good sides, and bad sides. I hope you enjoyed my review. Sincerely, Lollipop fun 431
Review by lollipop fun431 on Gachaverse: Anime Dress Up RPG.

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