Mind-numbingly repetetive – Quantum Legacy HD Review

About 8 seconds in, you've experienced everything the game has to offer. Repetive can be good if it's done with a sufficiently compelling gameplay mechanic - but nothing so compelling is at work here. You pretty much fight the same battle over and over and over, and it's an incredibly shallow battle at that. You can't even aim your weapons. You can steer your ship, but it doesn't make a really great deal of difference if you do - just fly in any direction you like, hold down the fire button until just before it overheats, tap the shield button if you see the enemy fire. That's it. To be fair, defensively, steering can help dodge an enemy projectile or two, but you're just as well tapping the shields. The only sign of the production values so touted in the app description is some voiceover that goes on in the background. It's original and new throughout the game, but does nothing to stave off the monotony. Pretty graphics, though - although it does slow down pretty badly from it's nice 60 fps clip when explosions and effects happen (Ipad 3). Really, slowdown should never be an issue in a "space" game - having no terrain or 3d background to draw frees up a ton of resources, and system power can be devoted to character models and effects. Might be a 3 star app at 99 cents, but at 4.99 it's a definite "stay away".
Review by Sopants on Quantum Legacy HD.

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A good game

Serious ripoff

Astounding game
A dignified player

Good game overall