Just ONE little tweak to make it FIVE stars! – Postcard App by SnapShot Review

Just ONE little tweak to make it FIVE stars! We live on our boat traveling the world and have been using this app for about a year. PROS It’s fabulous for staying in touch with everyone, and despite where we are actually writing from, the cards are sent from the US, so postage is always just 1 credit (US) or 2 (Canada). Never a need to find postage stamps or a post office for airmail. Never a worry that the cards will make it across the big pond. It takes just over a week for each card to get to its recipient, and having sent over 200, I don’t believe there has been a single incident of someone not getting theirs. These are sturdy, glossed, good quality cards. You can send to one address or multiple addresses. (HINT: If you go to Order History, you can find previously sent cards which were sent to big groups, click ReOrder, then just change the photos and wording without having to remember who all to send it to. I send a weekly card to Mom, and a monthly card to kids, friends, etc. ) There is periodically a glitch after app updates, but the staff is incredibly responsive and helpful. CON You can only work on one card at a time, and so you can’t queue up several cards in advance. Internet on a boat is spotty. If I could queue cards up and set them to automatically send on certain days, what a game-changer!! Also, sometimes I have birthday/holiday cards to send out when I’m already working on the weekly/monthly... no can do. Having the ability to queue cards would solve both the internet and birthday/holiday issues for me, and would make more money for the app.
Review by Karen BeTheChange on Postcard App by SnapShot.

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