Best skate game I’ve ever played – Touchgrind Skate 2 Review

Idk about you but this is a great game in my opinion u get to cotomize ur board u can learn new tricks that are not on the how to slide thingy u can figure out different lines and get some sick gnarly clips great game illusion labs pls create a big huge mega ramp with a skate park to the side or combine all the parks into one and call it the mega park or something but keep going illusion labs keep progressing make a new map or a new game or make it available on ps4 and xbox now that would be sick its a bit buggy but not to mutch there are some glitches here and there but they are fun glitches under the map under a ramp or even get sent into the sky anyways love the game and thanks for making the skate world better
Review by stinger0909090900000 on Touchgrind Skate 2.

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