This is definitely a pay to play game – FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV Review

If you hope for any character advancement, you had better be prepared to spend vast amounts of time and/or money to get the absurd amount of items to level up and develop your characters. The amount of items in this game is ridiculous. It has beautiful graphics and that old tactics feel, with that modern capitalist twist. Instead of adjusting the mechanics of the game they just give you a “ton” of free stuff in game as compensation. But once you delve deeper, the extreme amount of compensation that has been handed out doesn’t even scratch the surface of what is required to make the game enjoyable. Please Gumi, instead of wasting time on this game please invest more time and development into FFBE (it’s an impeccably amazing game) , which has been extremely neglected due to this pet project of a game. I don’t recommend this (WOTV) game to anyone.
Review by Mattyh2o513 on FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV.


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