The app is a good idea but... – Just a Baby: Become a parent Review

I can’t blame the developers but the app is full of guys trying to sleep around. I feel like all of the potential matches are either guys who say they “will only do NI” trying to get laid (some have admitted to having girlfriends or wives they are trying to cheat on) or they are guys looking for a surrogate or coparent. My goal was to befriend a kind man who could be accessible for me to have 2-3 kids who share a father and also be willing to answer questions and meet them if they ask, because kids from anonymous sperm donors have emotional and psychological issues from not having access; but I don’t want some guy who’s sleeping around and I don’t want someone who wishes to be involved in raising my kids. This is too much to expect from the men on this app.
Review by kittie8485 on Just a Baby: Become a parent.

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