So easy! – Calorie Counter - MyNetDiary Review

Dieting isn’t easy, but having this app keep track of my calories is. I don’t have Premium, just the free app, can’t afford it just now, but as is, almost anything I scan is in the app, Boom!, calories right there, in easy to account for amounts. It’s really pretty great. Logging my food, figuring out the portion size, writing it down, adding it up, has always been so tedious that I wind up making wild guesses or just not logging, slacking off until I just stop doing it. I chose the amount I want to lose (35 lbs. and I’m a 53 yr old woman) and the date I wanted to lose it by, and the app told me how many calories a day will get me there. Then I log what I’m eating and know how many calories I have left for the day, so I can plan a mini-binge, if I want, and still know I’m on track: no guilt. I’ve been using it for about a month, and I gave myself adequate time for loss, and I’ve lost 5 lbs. (With several “days off” and a pretty sedentary lifestyle.) I love this app.
Review by Sarigodmother on Calorie Counter - MyNetDiary.

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