So bloated with systems it hurts – FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV Review

Tl;dr: too many systems blocking fun. Too Grindy for f2p. I was a huge fan of FF Tactics and went in mildly optimistic. The cluttered home menu should have been to my dismay but I soldiered through in hopes of fun. And on paper it should be. The animations are great, the map lay outs are solid. But *every* single thing is gated behind some convoluted system. The weapons have an upgrade system. The armor pieces have an upgrade system. The cards, the Espers, the units have ability, limit breaking and “rarity” breaking. Nothing is just “hey here’s a unit with some cool abilities.” First you need to level, summon more of them to limit break, farm a ridiculous amount to unlock the ability to unlock skills, farm more for the currency to actually unlock the skills. Repeat for every unit you’d like to even glance at. And they throw so much of the “premium” (which is separate from the paid premium) currency in hopes you stay. But by the time you’ve farmed enough to get your units to have more than 2-3 active skills, you realize you could have just played ff tactics.
Review by Danes Bane on FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV.


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