Pay wall is absurd – DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY OO Review

This game was fun for a few weeks. It’s nostalgic and a grind that can keep you entertained... THEN you meet the developers. These people are so proud of themselves they will take your money and give you absolutely nothing. Give them $40 you get a skin and one draw. For $40 there is about a 90% you will get absolutely nothing. Give them $20 and it’s not even enough money to do anything with. It’s basically just a banking system that will store your money until you can afford another $20 to dump into this game. The best characters in this game were NPC in their FF game and that seems really weak too. The game has been around for years and the whales that climb this pay wall are just dumb. Sad to say that after this review I will be deleting this app and I’ve been playing this game for a while. They steal from you. That’s it. Another cool game ruined by an awful RNG, a HUGE paywall, and extremely greedy devs. Like, EXTREMELY greedy. They make the devs from Clash of Clans look cheap. I would give this 5 stars if the developers hadn’t ruined it with this new LD/BT TERRIBLE RNG. Don’t waste your time. The only improvements they’ll make is a new skin for your character and they’ll want no less than $40 for it.
Review by Just a grav on DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY OO.


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