Wow, this is terrible – 3DiLLUSTRATOR for iBooks and iMovie Review

Ok where do I even start. Ok let’s start with the girl. I’m a boy and I have to pay 9.99$ for a boy?! This has horrible quality and terrible colors, this is awful. But I’m no hater, this is just awful. It’s just bad like really really bad. I only get one girl. What are we even supposed to do with that thing. You guys say it’s free but it’s only free for one thing. This game is latterly bad and awful. I am not going to spend 9.99$ for a boy and another woman. This is just ridiculous. I’m sorry but this game is probably one of the worst ones I’ve played ever. There’s other games maybe worse by 1 percent. But this is horrible I’m so sorry but I can’t spend money on this. But maybe there can be fixable flaws in there but until then I’m not downloading it ever again. If you can, FIX THIS MADNESS!!!! By the way the five stars represent just the stars and me putting a 0!
Review by robloxfunilikeit on 3DiLLUSTRATOR for iBooks and iMovie.

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