Bad and Outdated Breastfeeding Information – WebMD Pregnancy Review

This app is okay. I would not recommend it. I was most disappointed in the breastfeeding vs formula feeding given by Nivin Todd, MD. The breastfeeding information was okay however the formula information was outdated. For example, it says mothers who breastfeeding cannot have an alcoholic drink, which is completely false. Or it’s is convenient, suggesting that breastfeeding is not (formula is far more inconvenient). You let we can help at night, you partner can help and bond with an infant at night regardless of feeding method. It suggests that babies who are formula fed are easier because they don’t need to eat as often because formula isn’t digested as quickly as breastmilk (formula not being digested quickly and causing infants to sleep for longer stretches is related to all kinds of negative outcomes, one big one being SIDS). It says moms who breastfeed often have to avoid certain foods because it’s bad for the baby (this is true, however cases of this are few and far between). Breastfeeding information is updated almost weekly. This article cites a source from 2005, that’s 15 years ago!! Maybe some of this information was correct then however it definitely doesn’t hold true now. I hope every mother who uses this app or who plans to get pregnant or is already pregnant does their own individual research parentally and speaks to a breastfeeding peer counselor or IBCLC or someone who has breastfeeding experience if they have questions or concerns. I’m not saying that breastfeeding is right for every mother however it is best for every baby and I want you to know the facts before making any decisions!
Review by Olivia Makes Milk on WebMD Pregnancy.

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