Lame! – Dragon's Lair HD Review

When Dragon's Lair was released, it was pioneering in a way. It was one of the first video games that made you feel more like you were part of an animated film. Many games are like this now, but at the time, none were. Now, graphics are so good that you just feel like you are fully immersed and interacting with a live action movie. It is the merging of two media, and I believe it will continue. Point is, Dragon's Lair was one of the first to start us down this path. I am not saying the game was fun (because it wasn't) but just that it was pioneering, and I want to give credit where credit is due. The critical aspect of Dragon's Lair was that you could stare at the screen, never averting your eyes as you control the character with the joystick. I believe this was the appeal. Being absorbed in a story while you contributed to the fate of the main character. This key aspect is completely lost in the iPad adaptation, because you constantly have to look at the on screen control pad in order to consistently react to the game's cues. This is a total deal breaker. The aforementioned immersiveness was, in my opinion, the only reason to play the game. After all, from a pure fun perspective, it was about the most boring game around. In other words, this game has pretty much no appeal on the iPad. The reason I decided to purchase the game was pure nostalgia. If this is an itch you need to scratch because you couldn't afford to play the original in the arcade because it consistently cost twice as much as other games, go ahead and buy it. But please don't expect it to be any fun. Yes, you can post to your high school friends on Facebook that you now have Dragon's Lair on your iPad. That is where the fun ends.
Review by RedontheRoof on Dragon's Lair HD.

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