Not bad but – Monster Warlord Review

Very money hungry gotta have that cash flow to make it here or at least have a couple years to dedicate. A few hackers here and there, but nothing way outlandish. Servers could use some work, whenever the big bosses pop and everyone who’s gonna be there is there the game lags hard. The censorship in this game is weird, you can’t even say the name of the company without it being blocked, and words like “part” are censored too. And I’m not sure what’s up with one of the forum admins he seems to be against the company. Oh and RMTa run rampant here, people often sell accounts to new players and sometimes that leads to people being stolen from. Overall a decent game, if you just log in and play when you can and don’t care about how fast you’re progressing it’s actually fun to watch was your account gets bigger with time.
Review by Milady deadly on Monster Warlord.

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