Almost Perfect – Hades' Star Review

Well done. Finally, an RTS that ISN’T pay-to-play! I’m just starting out, but this looks amazing so far! I haven’t seen an ad. Never. Not once. You are in no way pushed to buy crystals from the store, and they can be obtained through shipping and other means. I love the PVP and PVE elements of the game, as well as the mythology references ?. All in all, such a great game! Keep up the good work! EDIT: Idk if it has to do with more people using WiFi during quarantine or what, but I experience constant lag on the server. It’s pretty annoying, which is sad, because I thought this game was perfect. There’s lag, but I still play, because it’s excellent in all other fields. Please fix the lag issue, devs! ?
Review by A_young_trombonist on Hades' Star.

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