What??? – Crossword Quiz - Word Puzzles! Review

After just a few minutes I began questioning the intelligence of the developers. I was bored and thought a crossword puzzle would be relaxing so I downloaded the app. Out of curiosity I got the history category. I’m studying archival science while working in a museum so naturally I love history and had high hopes. I quickly realized the devs had very little knowledge on history let alone the proper names for 80% of what they were showing. Not everyone may know what a halberd is but everyone will assume at first glance it is not a spear. They showed a picture of the Judaean fortress of Masada and I got excited that they would include such a beautiful place so few know about. I was quickly disappointed as I realized the word was citadel. Not only is it not a citadel but it comes nowhere close to fitting the characteristics of one. Just so I knew I wasn’t lying in what I’m about to say, it took me about 30 seconds to find a description on google. In other words, if you are going to advertise yourself as the best crossword app you might want to actually research the words that belong to the pictures you show. 30 seconds people, it’s not difficult. I would gladly pay for such an app if it was accurate and actually challenging. The only challenge this app provides is discerning what random word they decided to attach to a picture.
Review by One mad centaur on Crossword Quiz - Word Puzzles!.

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