Excellent for how it bills itself. – LP Old English Review

This app tells you exactly what it will do for you. No, it *won't* make you proficient in the Old English language. That would likely take years of dedicated study (as it has for my study of Latin). However, one key component of learning any new language is the drudgery of rote memorization that comes of vocabulary building. In the case of an inflected language such as Old English, there is also the intimidating work of conjugation drills and noun declension paradigms. That's where this cute little package really shines. It automates and expedites the rote process, and it does so via "temporal scavenging;" by building the process inside time already otherwise committed. Waiting for a pickup order at your local restaurant? Practice a few strong verbs while you're at it. Standing outside the store, while your significant other is finishing an errand? Pull out your touch screen device and try seeing if you can remember what "cynng" or "swiþe" means. [NOTE: never use while driving; be safe!] Immediate response, gentle correction and endless repetition ensure you'll eventually get it all and probably be seeing the thorn symbol in your sleep. Cheap, easy, exactly what it promises. If you're a language enthusiast, especially for archaic or historical languages, you can't go wrong!
Review by sirtomas1 on LP Old English.

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