Does what I need, with some clever touches – Lucid Reality Check Review

The interface and icons look a little home-made, and they are selling a ton of separate IAP that would certainly be overpriced if you really bought all (or even several) of them. And here's why I don't mind: - I don't need any of the IAP. I want state-check reminders throughout the day, push-driven without leaving an app running, and this delivers that. Other free apps I tried did not work as well. (I haven't tried any paid ones.) - This has some nice touches: custom messages in the push notification (I could even display emoji in them). Non-blinding night mode (although it doesn't much matter: the notifications are enough, so I hardly ever launch the app itself). And random alert sounds. That's clever, because I want to train myself to do a state check often, all the time, no matter what, NOT in response to one certain sound. (I use this in the day to form habits, not at night.) It has other features, but I don't need them personally. - The IAP is not in your face; it's easy to ignore. There are no reminders of it unless you try to USE something you haven't bought. I'm tempted to buy something to support the developer, but I feel no pressure to do so. - The iADs are equally easy to ignore. They're not full-screen and they don't crowd out anything important. - It's free! I can put up with some ugly graphic design at that price.
Review by M A 4 on Lucid Reality Check.

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