Good, but needs a lot more – Flying Dragon Simulator 2019 Review

I like the game, but I just think you should be able to do more than just kill raptors, mate, knock down huts, and fly. Plus, ADS!!! If you could make less ads, that would be great. You have have ad to mate, start over, AND go back to the main page. You should be able to have health and enemies and be able to scratch and bite rather than just fire. The enemies should have health too and you should be able to take them to your nest to eat. There should be people who give you quests and you should be able to knock down enemy human’s huts. And, you should be able to have babies, play as your mate and babies, feed your family, choose the genders for your dragons, and change your family’s skin. You should also have a golden and a rainbow skin if you do a certain quest. Also, WHY IS LANDING SO HARD!? If I barely touch land or water, I die. Please fix that! I should be able to hit the ground and just lose some health. Also, I should be able to drink, swim, and hunt a lot of different animals like fish, sharks, T. rex, other dinosaurs, monsters, etc... and since I’m a dragon, I should be able to breath underwater. PLEASE MAKE DIFFERENT ISLANDS AND MORE LAND!!! I get bored doing nothing but flying over knocked down huts and dead raptors, with not very much stuff to do. Please make this all into a new update! (Until then, this is at a 2 star level.) You should also make bosses. Thank you!
Review by Darphi on Flying Dragon Simulator 2019.

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Very good!

Good start!