Doesnt work – 5K to 10K Review

This app does not work at all. The couch to 5k app works amazingly and this wasn’t next step. This version is still completely outdated, the GPS works but in the log your pace averages don’t actually match up. It keeps telling me my average running pace is something like 3.5 minute or 5.5 minutes which is impossible for me especially considering it’s giving me the correct distance over the run. I also know for a fact that I average a 10 minute mile. I have emailed support several times and they keep giving me the run around like asking me to run in a more open space. I run exactly where I ran every day using couch to 5k with zero problems. They need to just stop avoiding it and update this app. I’m very much a person that’s motivated by forward progress and this app not working has definitely slowed down my progress. I will likely switch to a different app for my 5k to 10K training after I back peddle trying to get my 5k time back up after having so many glitchy disappointing runs with this app, my progress has digressed. Really disappointed and even more annoyed that customer service is putting the problem on me.
Review by astveyoobcxfjjvf on 5K to 10K.

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