Heal times are rough. – Gladiator Heroes Arena Legends Review

I currently have 7 gladiators, each slightly above rank 3. Let’s say I get on and proceed to do the story line- one match 2/3 of my guys gets injured. It takes 30 minutes to heal them... Now I got 5 guys left let’s say 1-2 guys get hurt each round as the difficulty progresses with your gladiators. You can only do like 3-4 battles before all your guys are healing and each one takes an hour.... this game should be title “hospital” because that’s all it is. A game about healing times. Also not enough variety in gladiators. The sword and shield guys are the same as the Valkyrie. They are both just sword and shield. Not fooling anyone there with your change of skills not classes. Ideas: guys that throw arena nets to snare enemy(especially effective on spear types), add a trident?, maybe allow players to select armor in customization and have a few different models per gladiator type, make classes more unique, add more gladiator skills that don’t overlap with other classes defeating the point of desperate classes altogether.
Review by tfchiesvh on Gladiator Heroes Arena Legends.

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