Typical pay to win game – FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV Review

On a positive note, the game has cool effects and the tactics concepts exist (gunners with long range, ranger shooting far from high distances, etc). On a negative note, the AI is laughably terrible to the point that you can actually break one of the best characters in the game (Ayaka) by taking buffing skills like protect and shell because that’s all they’ll cast. Although it seems like a tactics game, it doesn’t feel that way because of the bad AI and unpopular non-AI game modes. The typical F2P issues exist. Maxing our just ONE of your 5 characters will take about 4 months due to the limited resources made available on a daily basis (unit shards, awakening stones and prisms). Balance is an issue because limited characters are very overpowered and only available for a short time. It is not feasible for F2P players to level them up within the short availability time and therefore will only have access to inferior standard characters.
Review by rdg515 on FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV.


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