Almost Perfect – FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV Review

The game has all the makings of a great game. Good story, beautiful graphics with an almost drawn look, and an in depth mechanics. I love playing it and will continue to do so. Now comes the only downside. It is a very money hungry game. The gotcha rates at very bad 2% for the highest rarity and once you get the units the cost to max them is very high. You can be f2p but you will never compete with those that spend money to speed advancement. You can beat all on game content such as story with very basic units but if you want to complete on PVP or PVE you will be stomped into the dirt. That said I will continue to play because the developers do listen to their fan base and they are pretty generous with free stuff. Just don’t expect to be pulling the best stuff on a regular basis.
Review by Hamptonbt on FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV.


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