Best Mobile Game I’ve Played! – DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY OO Review

I’ve played maybe a dozen or so mobile games over the years. I eventually lost interest in all of them (wasted money on them too). I still have them in case I ever decide to go back. That is not the case for this game! Much of the time I can’t put it down! Some days, I do the bare minimum daily missions (I always go through ups and downs of enthusiasm in any game I play), but when I really make progress—I have to keep the ball rolling! You can pay for optimal content or in-game currency; I am still free-to-play (and am determined to remain so!), and I still make good progress! I have completed a lot of the game content and have slowed down getting gems for content draws, but there’s always several events going on to earn rewards and gems! This is the most generous mobile game I’ve seen for free-to-play players! The developers have published a quality product, and I can tell they care and have pride in their work! I have dallied so barely very little in Final Fantasy games years ago at the insistence of my best friend, but you don’t need to have played any before this! I started in early November 2019, and I’ve already made it to rank 611! I have about 10 maxed-out good characters thus far, with a few more to be ready very soon! This game has inspired me to purchase FFVI & VII on Steam. I just wish Steam had the original SNES version of IV and not the 3D version.


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