Very fun, Free 2 Play friendly Gacha – Arknights Review

This is both a review and a mini guide for new players. The newbie banner guarantees 2 6 stars. Start on guest accounts and after you get a Silverash+Exusiai or Silverash+Siege. Silverash is hilariously broken and with proper investment will make some of the hardest enemies in the game melt like butter against his third skill. Many new players feel the need to fill every slot in their squad with 5 and 6 stars. In my opinion unless you have a waifu or somebody you REALLY like, your original investments should be in SilverAsh and the 3-4 star operators the game hands to you by doing tutorial missions. Melantha, Kroos, Plume, Cuoroa, Jessica, Scavenger, ect are all very useful even up into chapter 5 of the story. These operators, once sufficiently leveled, will be more than enough to clear the weekly Annihilation (which rewards you with Gacha materials, Orundum) and Supplies missions. Once you can use auto battle to complete all of the Supplies missions with these operators, you can start implementing more of the powerful 5 and 6 stars you will get by pulling on the gacha into your squads. Once you get further into the story, most of the time spent in between the grindy events will be slow. Every day, use your sanity in the morning and night or whenever to grind something. Chapter 4 drops materials you combine to make the best Elite materials. You will spend a lot of time in chapter 4 if you will be promoting 5 and 6 star operators to Elite 2! Farming the 5th Combat Record stage never hurts, as thats the only source of operator XP. For F2P players, use your originite to either 1.)buy sexy skins or 2.)get more rolls. Originite is limited. After you beat chapter 5, as well as the challenge versions of story mode missions, you won’t get any more Originite until events come along or more story missions are released. Rarely do we get free originite. I’d recommend saving it up for the “pro level up packs” you get every 5 levels until level 40 and every 10 levels beyond that. Even after buying every pack, you should have enough to buy a handful of skins! My final large tip is to INVEST IN YOUR BASE. Turn it into an LMD making machine. LMD is probably the most vital resource in the game outside Originite and Orundum. Upgrading the base takes grinding, a lot of LMD, and real life time but it’s worth it so you don’t have to use sanity to complete the mission that gives you 7.5k LMD a clear. I’ve been playing since the 2nd week after Launch and I enjoy this game greatly. A lot of it is spent auto battling and managing your sanity well. It’s an enjoyable game and the community is extremely helpful for new players. If you want a good gacha that doesn’t punish F2P players at every turn, this may be a great game for you!
Review by Traymantaveney on Arknights.

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