Not correct – Baby Gender Predictor Universal Review

I have tested the concept of the Chinese Birth Calendar on about 100 people as of now. It has never been wrong. I downloaded this app to make it easier to calculate (once I tell someone about it they test me like crazy!) and it is incorrect. But not because of the actual calendar but because of the option they make you select. For it to be accurate, you choose the month conceived and the age the mom is when they give birth. Not the age you are when you conceive. In Chinese culture in that time age started at conception not birth. So the age you are when you give birth equates to the 9 months older you are. This is a common mistake that I have seen often. This calendar has never proven me wrong but this app has incorrect information in that you are selecting the wrong age 3/4 of the time (sometimes you will be the same age between conception and birth, and sometimes you won't)
Review by Ian Silber on Baby Gender Predictor Universal.

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