100% free – Innersource Review

Such a lovely app. No restrictions. Clean design. Friendly interface. No unnecessary extra features. I highly recommend. Two notes for the creators: some of the grammar within the app is poor. It comes across as unprofessional. Also there is a glitch when it comes to writing journal entries. I’ll be editing a sentence earlier in the passage when the screen suddenly zooms me down to the end of the passage where I can’t see what I’m typing. Please fix this if you can. It’s irritating. These are very minor errors however. This is by far my favorite journaling app already and I intend to use it frequently. I’ve tried many journaling apps before and all of them have been very limited, clunky, cheesy, and pricey. They charge several dollars a MONTH! But so far this app is free. If you guys intend to charge for this app later down the road, I highly highly recommend you do not charge monthly. Charge a one-time fee. You will get a lot more happy customers this way.
Review by vellakl on Innersource.

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