Good but grabby – FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV Review

Signed up for this game before launch cause it had everything I’ve been looking for in a fantasy tactics game forever. When I finally started playing it was great, good tactics easy to understand lvling system and it seemed to be generous with the RNG... but it was all a lie. Once the FF Tactics collab event was released I wanted to get Orlandeu but saw his drop rate is 0.08% UNDER ONE FREAKING PERCENT! And to buy gems to do a ten grab cost $40 bucks a pop... but the worst thing THE WORST THING is you can’t even share farm characters to unlock them and they don’t tell you that so I’ve spent all my in game currency and some of my own money collecting shards I MAY NEVER GET TO USE! I’m trying to like this game but they need to change their policies cause what it seems like to me is they just want to rip off hard core final fantasy fans like me
Review by Nexusdawg1982 on FINAL FANTASY BE:WOTV.


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