Glide to granny chapter 2 – Granny: Chapter Two Review

If you see the spider baby go in the room she(he) is in and get the wrench and fix the bridge thing so you can go in the water to spider baby, bring a gun or stun gun I brought the stun gun I shoot the spider baby and then I killed the thing and if You see the gray box open it and there are bombs and then go into the spider baby’s house thing and there is the crowbar and in the basement there is a box open it with the crowbar and if you do the door escape use the crowbar but first bump into the picture then there is a electricity box behind it, the picture is next to the kitchen and to cut the green wire get the tool (it is not the crowbar tool), then the lighting stuff will stop at the door then use the crowbar then find the padlock key then find the doorknob and put it on and then open the door and you win but, bring a weapon, my fav weapons 1. Stun gun you can keep on useing it if you find the bullet put it back into your gun 2. Bombs they are so cool and it is fun to blow it up 3. Shotgun I like it because if you do the helicopter escape go in the security room there is a ladder get the broken pics and there is a bullet thing that gives you all the bullets you want so then you can shoot granny and grandpa, It is a cool gun too, good luck granny fans and look up baldy and sonic v.s granny on YouTube if you want, it is funny, and if you see the radio in the kitchen tap on it and turn up your volume. Good luck Granny fans.
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