Not great – World War Heroes: WW2 FPS PVP Review

Controls are very awkward... poorly positioned buttons. Movement is sluggish and just feels off. They use auto shoot, which is terrible. They weren’t even smart enough to put the shoot button on both sides of the screen when you turn off the annoying auto shoot. Feels like a game made for 12 year olds. Just absolutely horrendous. Graphics and sound effects were decent. That’s why they got a star. Gameplay is just objectively terrible though. Developers need to play a game of pubg mobile so they can learn to make a mobile FPS game at least reasonably decent. Also, why do I have to shoot someone 30 times an SMG to kill them? Do the developers not understand how guns work? I’m confused. Just all around a really really poor game for the end player. Sad to because it seems smooth and well coded... just not very smart people making the final game decisions. Really really sad. A joke really
Review by Chad-Curtiss on World War Heroes: WW2 FPS PVP.

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